The Geeta Brothers Duet Group: A retrospective
Joe and Tanner Geeta, siblings with identical musical beliefs set out to change the landscape of Christmas Music but failed to penetrate the industry’s tightly-knit circles. Inspired by their immigrant heritage, they proceeded to turn the community on its head with their first album “The Punjabi Christmas Album”(2013), featuring adaptations of carols and Christmas themes with a Punjabi flair. It was released with the help of the Association of Punjabi Christmas Music Preservation. Songs like ‘Peg Nogg’, and ‘Vadiya Gift’ provided brief insight into their songwriting, which they expanded upon with their next release “The Punjabi Christmas Album 2”(2014).

This record featured an improvement in production and a widening of the duo’s horizons, with reimaginings of classics like “Little Drummer Boy” and “12 Days of Christmas”, along with “Hey Hanukkah” and “Happy Kwanzaa”, in an effort to cater to a wider festival audience. Now a powerhouse within Canada, the brothers Geeta set their sights on foreign shores, traveling through Europe with a complete stage show featuring songs from both albums.
As the tour began to take its toll, the relationship between Joe and Tanner began to sour but not before yielding another record, “The Punjabi Christmas Album 3”. Although more cynical than their previous work, the pair still managed to retain their potency with tracks like “Gingerbread Man Song”, “Silent Night” and “Felize Navidad”. Following a public spat at their studio in 2018, where Joe berated Tanner’s conservative approach and use of Indian instruments, while simultaneously mentioning his brand deal with Jay-Z and Ciroc Frost, the duo parted ways much to the tearful dismay of legions of fans. Fans continue to stream their music through their Youtube videos, leaving memorials in the comments section. Leaving a sizable void behind, Christmas feels a lot quieter this time around.
Happy Holidays :(